Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Going to the dog park..

Dear Dog Park Mommies and Daddies,

For the sake of my Mom's sanity (and potentially your doggie's well-being)..  if your dog isn't well-behaved, please keep it away from her.  She had to come home this afternoon and take a shower and change clothes because one of the neighborhood dogs who was also in the dog park with us.  She kept jumping on Mommy.  Mom had dirty paw prints all over her, and while that was a sign of love from the other doggy, Mom didn't appreciate it one bit!  From my experience, Mom prefers gentle kisses.. even if you have bad breath.  I tried to tell the other doggy that, but she wasn't listening to me.

Mom was NOT very happy.  Mom said to me (I think she was talkin to me, since no one else was around) on the walk home, "If I have to control your dog because you can't, you don't need to have a dog."
So please other Dog Park Mommies and Daddies, know how to control your dog before you go into the park with others.  It's one thing to try to play with the other doggies, but to jump on the humans?  NOT COOL!  Especially MY human!

PS.  Down doesn't mean NO.  My Mommy tells me NO often.  She's not afraid to yell it either.  I know when she yells NO, she means serious business.  I stop what I'm doing immediately and look at her.  Sometimes, when she just says no normal, I don't hear her until she repeats what she wants me to do a few times.  It's a game I like to play with her to see how many times she'll repeat a command.  So far, I'm up to... well I can't really count, but its a LOT!

It usually goes like this:  Phil, go to your house.  (I look at her like what did you say?)  No, Phil, go to your house.  (I start towards my house, but I get about halfway there then back up to the rug).  Phil, NO, go to your house!  (I put my front paws on the slippy floor).  Go to your house Phil, you can do it.  (Finally, I slowly make it to my house.  I have to put on a good show for Mom so she knows how much the floors "scare" me).  Good boy, Phil!  Ok, now stay.

I'm really good at stay because usually if I stay in my house and out of Mom's way while she's fixing me dinner, she makes it quicker AND doesn't spill it.

She's a pretty good Mom, so please Please PLEASEEEEEEE... have good doggy manners around her.  She's spoiled by my good manners... So its really my fault.  But she can't help how much she loves me.. Have you looked at me?  You can't help but to love me too.  Promise.

This is what being good looks like.  It's not a bad idea to practice this.


  1. Oh yes.... Rainy was once knows to go after dogs who jumped up on me at the dog park. She's such a good pupper :)

    Just last week I kicked some little fluffy thing in petsmart on a flexilead. Elderly lady had a cart and 3 monsters all on fully extended flexileads. Wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't snarling and growling as it charged. Badly behaved lady and mops will NOT scare my Miss Sunshine!

  2. I had a flexilead for my dalmatian and it was locked almost all the time, except for when I took him out and since he was in the backyard, I let it go..

    NEVER EVER EVER was it unlocked while in a store with other people and dogs. And when we went out for walks, it was usually locked because of traffic.

    WWWWHHHYYYY don't people get it!?!?!


Show Phil some love!