Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Blog responsiblities

Man, it was nice havin' that young whipper snapper around to write blogs.  I could relax and not have to worry about it.  But now Joey has went to his forever home, and I should probably step back up to the plate and let you guys know that I'm still alive.

What have I done for September.. lets see!

I went and stayed with Miz Penney and Mr Bruce and my cousin Norman and his sister, Zoe while Mom and Grammy and Grampy went to DC for Mom's Color Run.  She came back ALL messy.  I didn't want to leave cause I really liked it with Norman's family!

Zoe took my bed, so I took her bed!

Beauty sleeps.

Miz Penney took me and Norman to a meet and greet in Leonardtown.  

AJ and I made the paper!!!  We're GEGR stars!!!

The weather has started getting cooler so Mom was sitting on the porch and she wouldn't let me outside with her.
This is my extreme sad face.

Our downstairs neighbor gave Mom a baby gate and then she let me outside with her!
I'm always interested in what the neighbors are doing.
I've sneaked into their house 2 times now.  Luckily, they are nice and don't mind too much.
I'm sure its because I'm such a good boy!

One day, Mom took me to Crystal and Michael's apartment.  I really liked their house too.
I sniffed every place in the apt.  Then, they laid down a blanket for me.
Mom was being silly when she laid it over me, but I didn't mind.
They called it my bear skin.

We've been able to sit outside so much now that it's not really hot outside!  I love it!
I also love staring into the neighbor's windows like a creeper.

Miz Gami came over for a while.  She was trying to nibble on one of my bones.
The bone was as big as she is!  Silly Gami!

This is how you know your Mom loves you.  She gets all wet, in a storm, to make sure that you get to go outside for a walk and go business.  I really do have the best Mom.

I may or may not have eaten my 2nd loaf of bread.
I only eat FRESH bread, by the way.  None of that old stale crap that has been sitting on the counter for a week.
No.  Fresh, straight from the store the night before bread.
Mom obviously loves me because she also fed me dinner despite this.

But the biggest thing that's happened is that my secret santa finally came through!  Mom signed us up for Reddit Gift's Pet Exchange.  She was worried for a bit that our secret santa had forgotten about us, but they sent Mom a message saying they had been in Ireland on vacation, but they were shipping ASAP.

They made up for being late in 2 ways:
1.  They were awesome and I GOT TO GO TO IRELAND WITH THEM!!!!
2.  Sending me and Mom really awesome presents!!

The little Reddit man!  Presents had arrived!

Mom's present: my new driving cap!!!

Mom's other present: my new bowtie!!!

All the presents from Secret Santa!!

Also, my new collars from Miz Cindy arrived today too!
I think Mom probably should have waited until next month on my birthday for all these presents!!!Nevermind, I'll be accepting presents next October 11th for my birthday!! :)

Modeling my new collars!
Sooo handsome

Seriously.  Retired life is the best!

PS.  I also got a new tag collar at the Scottish Festival in VA to match my plaid martingale collar, but apparently Mom didn't take picture of it.  Gosh, Mom.

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