Drool on the couch.
Get treats.
Avoid getting a bath.
Get in the trash can and don't get caught (as many times a possible).
Take more naps.
Get peanut butter kongs
Don't play with other dogs.
Definitely don't play with Meri.
Get at least 5 bones this year.
Keep the furminator hid from Mom.. nope, she still can't find it.. bwahaha.
Stop peeing on my jammies.
Go on more walks.
Eat NO little dogs. ZERO. (this will be the hardest one yet)
Meri's 2015 goals:
Prove my full craziness.
Help Phil get into the trashcan.
Help Mom clean the floor better with my water beard.
Get extra treats.
Teach Phil to sit.
Get Phil to play.
Steal Phil's bones.
Help Phil clean out all his peanut butter Kongs when he's done with them then put them outside for Mom to fetch cause I know how much she loves that.
Meet more doggies!
Don't tell Mom where Phil hid the furminator.
Eventually get to sleep on the bed with Mom all night.
Get Phil to snuggle.
Get my jammies dirty quicker so Mom can't leave them on me for very long.
Dig more holes in the yard.
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