Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Going to da dog sittars so Foster Mom could go on vakchuns:

Dis Phil's butt.  It's de only fing Foster Mom could sees in her mirrors.

I blocked his butt, cause I'z bringin da sexy back!

Bof me and de Old Man.

FM openeds da sunwoof.  I lubed all da breezes.

Da Old Man in FM's mirror.

I'z lookin at da Foster Momz wonderin' why she waz clickin' so muches.

I'z too good for piktchurs wif da Foster Momz.

Coming back from da dog sittars:

Me and da Old Man ridin.  We waz pretty happys to see Foster Momz.

I lubs car ridins.

Doggie butts!

Just more proofs da Old Man iz lazy.  I'z stood up almost all de way home!

Dis my favorite fing to do in da car ridin.

Dat Old Man is rewy tall!

We finally seddled down.  Dis didn't last long.

Was somefing dere?

We's rewy glads to be homes.  I lubed it at Miz Monica's house.  Dere was dis doggie dere dat was my size and we plays and plays and plays!  Miz Monica says we barely stopped playins de entire week!  Foster Mom sayz I'z going to be sooo happyz when I see my Forever Mommy and Daddy and brothers and sisters.  She finks dey will plays wif me more dan de Old Man.

We'bs just been chillin since we'bes been back.  Foster Mom gots some fotos of dis too!

Wook at mah big ears!  Dey is de bestest!

Here I iz all passed outs.  Dis was a nice naps.
I don't haz my collar on cause Foster Mom says iz too stinky.
She's going to frow it in da washy-washy machine.

Dis da Old Man.  He wooks bery uncomfertuble but he didn'ts moves none.

Sometimes we gets confused when Foster Mom tells us to go to our crates.
Dis a funny piktucher of me wifs my eys closed.

1 comment:

Show Phil some love!