Monday, February 20, 2012

First day with my new mommy!

Hi!!!  I'm Phil!  I'm Megan's new goofy greyhound.  I'm a super awesome pup, and I'm ready for retirement!  Foster mom was pretty cool.  She had 6 other doggies that I got to hang out with last week!  That was so cool.  

Last Friday, Foster Mom and Real Mom met up and I went home with Real Mom.  She seems pretty great.  Kinda silly sometimes, but she likes to give me hugs and kisses and pettins and treats and she feeds me pretty well and we go outside a lot.  She also likes to let me take naps, which other than playing with my squeaky toys is my favoritest thing to do.

Mom kept pointing this thing at me, so I was getting a closer look.

Riding in the car on the way home.  Mom cracked the windows for me so I could get some fresh air, but I wasn't really comfortable with the slippery seats, so when we were moving, I'd just lay down.

This is me, saving my new Mommy from a ticket.  No jk.  Really happened.  Talk about treat points for me!

This is my new mommy and me.

Like I said, she's silly sometimes.  She made a face at me since I wouldn't look at the camera.

Mom's bathroom is kinda tiny.  Or maybe I'm just really big.  I think its just the bathroom.

Then again, my head can lay on the counter, so maybe I'm just pretty big.

I always get a frozen kong with peanut butter in it when I go into my crate.  This is why my mommy is the best!
The first day, I got acquainted with the stairs (NOT FUN) and slippery floors (HATE!).  I pretty much confined myself to Mom's living room rug since it wasn't slippery.

Mom kept saying, "Phil come" and she would give me a treat if I would go to her, so I did learn something my first day!

I have a super big bladder and I really like being outside.  I LOVE to mark anything that remotely doesn't smell like me.  I also would probably like to have another doggie to play with when Mom lets me run in the dog play area.  Mom says the apartment is too small and she has to pay extra rent for doggies (which would come out of my treats money!), so at least for another year, I'll be an only child.

Mom let me sleep in the bedroom with her my first night.  She put me in my crate, but I started to whine.  Since it was my first night, she must have felt sorry for me, so she laid a Dalmatian (seriously, mom?) blanket in the floor for me to snuggle with.  I slept all through the night and only woke up when I heard Mom moving in bed.  I had no accidents, which made Mom very proud.

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