Sunday, February 26, 2012

That was WET!

So today was a good day.  Mom and I hung out, she left for a little while and came back.. with no goodies for me..  I'll have to teach her better.

The evening went well.  We went on a medium length walk.  Mom was piddling around in the kitchen for a while.  I left her alone and laid in my crate watching her and napping.  She fed me dinner and continued her kitchen activities.

The evening was pretty lazy.  Every so often I'd find a toy, play for a few minutes, then resume my napping.

Tonight though...  was a different story.

I went into the kitchen to do some sniffing around.  Mom has pretty much taught me counter-surfing is a no go, but she always puts my kongs with peanut butter in this high thing.  It has a door on the top and bottom and its cold every time she opens it.  I figured I could just get my kong on my own, cause that peanut butter is tasty!  I was scratching at the door, but I heard Mom get up, so I stopped and greeted her as she came around the corner.  She was suspicious of what I'd been scratching at, but she thought I was just trying to get something from in front of the cabinets that maybe she had dropped on the floor.  She went and sat back down and I knew she wasn't going to be listening so I went back to my post.

I again started scratching on the door.  Then out of NOWHERE this water hits me!  I scramble all over these stupid, slippery floors... all the way back to my house.  Where I'm now laying dejectedly, staring at Mom.  She's smiling and I could tell she was laughing a little.  I'm not so sure what is so funny.

At least I know I'll get my kong tomorrow when she leaves for work!  She better put extra peanut butter in it after tonight's fiasco!

Siiiiigh.. Home sweet home.

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