Sunday, March 11, 2012

Meet & Greet #2 - California, MD Petco

Mom took me to my 2nd Meet & Greet (M&G) today.  It was fun and I love meeting my Greyhound cousins.  She used the flashy thing while we were there, which is acceptable since the cute level was increased by 3 since there were 4 Greyhounds in the pen.  There were more when we arrived, but their shift was over and they got to go home!

This time we went to California, MD (which is pretty much the same as Lexington Park, but someone wanted to be difficult)..  Mr. George hosted this one.  He brought his pups, AJ and Jazz, and there was another pup named Bach (short for Bachelor).

I love, love, lovvveeeee gettin pettins.  And there are always so many people willing to pet me and feed me treats at M&Gs.  Mrs. Lisa said I'd be an awesome M&G pup, and I was shinin' today.  I did try to take a treat from Jazzy's mouth, but I wasn't aggressive about it, I just love treats sooooo much!

My only other bad behavior was that I barked at a cat in the crates behind our pen.  Mom very sternly told me, NO!  It's the 2nd time I've barked since I've been in my forever home.  Mom loves that I'm quiet though, she says this way the neighbor's won't complain, despite the fact that I sound like a horse when I walk around the apartment!

Sorry, I got distracted.  Anyways, lets move on to the few pics that were taken.  Mom found some inspiration photos from the VA M&G that was yesterday about better ways to take photos while we're at M&Gs, so next time she's going to bring her better flashy gadget thingy and show you guys she can be trained too!

AJ, Bach, Phil

Jazz was pretty worn out.
Many people LOVED his handmade Giants collar.   Check out more awesome collars here!.

AJ and Phil and Mr. George

This boy just needed to grow another arm to pet us all!
AJ, Jazz, Bach

Phil, either Bach or AJ (sorry can't tell!), and Jazz w/ Bach's family.

I was pretty tired on the way home.  Mom didn't do too good for this photo, but she was driving the Zoom-Zoomer.
I felt like the arm rest was a perfect pillow!  I was tired after so much socializing!

I'm so excited for the next M&G.  Mom hasn't let me know if we're going to the Waldorf M&G at the end of the month yet.  I told her I wanted to go, but she says it depends on how she's feelin.  We're gonna be going on a road trip at the end of this week.  It's an 8 hour drive to NC.  I get to meet my cousins, Judge and Noodles (my aunt Courkie's Dachshunds).  I met several Dachshunds today, so Mom is pretty confident that I will do well around them.

YAY for so many adventures!

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