Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Guys.. Mom let a stranger in the car.. AND THEN.. into our house!!!

I mean, this Joey seems nice enough, but he's really throwin off my naps with all his spunky energy. Woah buddy, I'm a Greyhound, we don't roll like that. Or at least I sure don't.

Joey's Mom said that he is a Ibizan Hound, which is a type of sighthound, like Greyhounds are.  Joey is much smaller than me, less than half my size actually!  He's only 30 pounds!  He is supposed to be around 40, so Mom is going to work on that while he's staying with us.

Oh yeah, Mom is letting Joey stay with us... for a month.  Mom seems really smitten with this new puppy.  But, she's already told me that I'm her forever #1.  Sometimes she even says, "Maybe even over Zeplen, maybe, but you were already potty trained and you don't pull on the leash, so maybe I'm biased."  

So for the next month, Mom will be learning to deal with having 2 doggies in the house and I'll be learning how to share.. maybe.  Dad says that alpha dogs don't have to share, but Mom says I do.  So far Joey has already rearranged my toys for me.  I had them neatly piled in front of the fireplace.  Which is where I relocate them after Mom puts all my toys in my crate.  She's silly and doesn't know where they go, so I show her.  Apparently, Joey thinks that toys belong all over the house.  Puppies.  Siiigh.

Just a warning for you all, I'll be FIVE in October!!  I think that's how many toenails I have on one paw, but I can't be sure since I'm just a silly puppy-luppy.. or so says Mom..  don't tell her, but I call her a silly human-wuu-man.


Me and Joey in the back of Mom's car..  I think I like this setup much better than my hammock, Mom!

A crack in the back windows, one for each pup!
Mom thought this was a cute photo of me being awesome.

Ridin home.

<3 those ears... on both pups.

Mom cracked the window for my nose and didn't realize that  Joey's whole head could fit
through if he wedged it just right...  Lesson learned.


  1. awww, poor Phil, has to share

  2. I'm betting money that in a month and a week you will have two greyhoundies....

  3. haha Jessica... or maybe I'll just apply to foster cause then its like having 2 dogs.. but different!


Show Phil some love!