Mom dropped me off with Miz Lesley on Monday morning. I got acquainted with her hounds and I thoroughly explored her backyard, making sure to take meticulous care to mark every single fence post. Finally, I was called back inside and Mom had to show me the steps because Jozef and Hush are much smarter than me and have figured out how to jump up onto things. Mom and Lesley set everything up and Mom kept hugging me and promising she'd be back soon. She'd been saying these things all week, but I thought she was being silly.
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Mom giving me "one last" hug with Jozef in the background wondering about the all the commotion Mom was causing. |
Miz Lesley sent Mom photos of me hanging out at her house, she said that Mom was going to Australia, but she was coming back for me. Miz Lesley has been known to keep puppies that come to her house, but Mom promised me she'd be back for me.
Mom isn't sure of all the details, but while she was trying to get to Australia, I had an accident. You see, Mom picked me, Phil, because I was a "big, cat friendly" Greyhound. She also picked me because I leaned on Dad. Dad was the easiest to win over, Mom was the one that kept wanting to look at other hounds. Silly, Mom. She wasn't aware that I had picked them yet.
But back to my accident. Miz Lesley, Jozef, Hush, and I were out for our evening stroll and Miz Lesley's Kitty Kitty wandered up to us. Well, Kitty Kitty looked delicious to me, and I love treats, so I decided that Kitty Kitty was going to be my snack. Miz Lesley was NOT HAPPY. She fought very hard to get Kitty Kitty from me, I might have even hurt her a little. Miz Lesley said I definitely hurt Kitty Kitty, who I never saw again.
Turns out, I'm not so cat-friendly. Small dog friendly, yes, but not so much on the cats. I had Mom fooled all this time. We have a Kitty Kitty that is a stray that lives at our apartment complex (because the neighbors feed it). I've seen her several times and I've never, ever tried to go after her. She was bigger than a squirrel, so I wasn't interested. I really love squirrels. I also really love bunnies.
Mom says I have to apologize to Miz Lesley, who continued to care for me, even though I tried to eat her Kitty Kitty. Miz Lesley and Mom did find another place for me to stay while Mom is gone, with Miz Monica, who I've stayed with before.
So, Miz Lesley, I'm really, really sorry about Kitty Kitty. Thank you for continuing to love me despite my bad behavior. I know Mom really appreciates it, since she isn't here. I'm sure she's not very pleased with me, she doesn't like it when I act bad. Sometimes she even yells. She probably would have yelled this time. Luckily, she's still away, so maybe she won't be so angry when she gets back from her trip. Maybe. We'll see.
Phew! Glad you didn't end up coming here Phil! Our kitties don't like being tasted. :)
ReplyDeleteWhen i got phil he was "cat-friendly"... guess he decided otherwise.