Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Chaos in the night!

So, Phil's Mom here.  Phil is napping.  Miley is napping.  But I had to share a story from last night.

You see, we went to bed pretty early.  By 10pm.  It was nice to be in bed that early.  I mean, for the pups, it's just a location change for the thing they do all the time, but I was glad.  It didn't take long for me to fall asleep and I was sleeping good.  And then.. COMMOTION IN THE NIGHT!!!

There was a growl, a bark, more growls and barks, the sound of something hitting the wall.

I was very afraid.  What took place in those 2-3 seconds of madness felt like a full 5 minutes.  My heart was pounding.  The first growl woke me up and I used my VOG (voice of God, for my non-dog-term-peoples) to yell, "HEY!"  This usually works at getting dogs to stop what they are doing and focus on me and what I'm telling them.  My VOG of didn't work and there was more growls and barks, there was more VOG.  In my slumbering stupor, I was struggling to process what was happening, especially since my VOG wasn't working.  2 minutes seconds later, I finally came to and realized I needed to turn on the light.

Turning on the light revealed 2 very confused, unhurt dogs, 1 misplaced blanket... and a lamp on its side.

You see, my apartment isn't large.  It's actually quite confined for an 80 pound Phil-boy.  He has mastered backing-up to places he wants to go.  Sometimes necessary, sometimes not.  I find it amusing, so I just giggle and go on about my day.  In the bedroom, there is a lamp that isn't really in a good place, but it's at the electric socket that is connected to the light switch so it has to be where it is.  This lamp has to be passed to get to Phil's bed in the bedroom.  He has whipped it with his tail so hard before that its swayed like it was going to fall before, so the lamp being knocked over wasn't really a surprise.

I'm still not actually sure what happened.  It was midnight:45 when I turned on the light.  After picking up the lamp, while consoling both dogs and reassuring them that everything was ok (to include having to get treats out for Phil (the most food motivated dog on the planet) since he was pretty much shell-shocked and wouldn't come to me or do anything but lay beside the my bed staring at the wall.  Miley really liked this surprise treat time at 1am) I finally jumped (literally) back into bed.

After the heart attack that is thinking that your dogs are sleep attacking each other for no apparent reason, it took me over an hour to get back to sleep.  In that time I started putting together the pieces.

Miley stole Phil's (normal) bed last night.
Phil went to bed in the spare dog bed I pulled into the bedroom for Miley.
I covered Miley with Phil's blanket.
Phil was laying on the spare blanket so he didn't get covered.
I went to bed.  There were no issues with the sleep arrangements.
The aftermath of the chaos revealed Phil's blanket on the wrong side of the bed and an over turned lamp.

My suspicions are that Miley was getting up to reposition and wanted the blanket off of her.  In her attempts, she pulled the lamp over which scared her (she's a spook), she probably freaked out and stepped on Phil who has serious space issues.  Phil probably didn't like being stepped on so he lashed out (cause he's an asshole).  When the lamp fell they both freaked out and all the while I'm yelling "HEY!" over and over at the top of my lungs fearing that when I turn the light on there is going to be blood on at least one dog.

I'm sure my downstairs neighbors enjoyed their 1am wake up as well.  I heard their dog start barking from the Phil and Miley's barks and my yelling.  This is payback for how their dog barks at pretty much anything all day long (although it is getting better).

Thankfully, there was no blood, only 2 dogs with some serious shakes.  I gave them both hugs and Miley settled back down pretty quick.  Phil wasn't having that.  I walked over Phil till his butt was between my legs and leaned down to hug him.  I held him till he stopped shaking.  I was his personal thundercoat.  It only took about 30 seconds for his heart to stop pounding and the shakes to stop.  But he still wouldn't go back to his bed.  I think he was afraid of the lamp, lol.  I got out a treat to break apart to motivate him to come to me and go back to his bed.

Miley realized what was happening first and she got very excited.  Miley can SIT!  It's really cute.  Someone needs to teach Phil to sit.  Once Phil realized that the treats were out, he was more willing to follow commands.

They both passed the lamp a few times, for good measure and then we all went back to bed.

While I appreciated no blood... I did NOT appreciate the interruption in my sleeps.  I think I need to go wake up the pups now!  tehehehehe.  Payback sucks! :D

Miley is a snuggler.  And by snuggler, I really mean body-taker-over-er.

Phil.. is NOT a snuggler.

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